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Social Responsibility

CMU-AU System USR Presentation

Our main missions are to cultivate human resources, develop new knowledge, and fulfill our social responsibility.
The goal of the school is to provide students with professional knowledge and to become the elite of society who care for the local community and promote the well-being of society.
Therefore, we have long encouraged our faculty and students to devote energy to teaching and research to serve society.

0 subjects
in USR Projects (Since 2018)
0 subjects
in Workshops/Seminars (Since 2020)
0 participants
in Social Impact (Since 2018)

Congratulations to the Asia University nursing team on their well-deserved award!
Congratulations to the Asia University nursing team on their well-deserved award!

Sustainable, Age-Friendly, and Dementia-Inclusive Community: Digital Innovation x Cognitive Care x Social Inclusion

Since 2018, the College of Nursing at Asia University has been awarded by the Ministry of Education for its Seed, Budding, and Deep-Rooted University Social Responsibility (USR) projects. These projects have focused on the Wufeng District in Taichung City for eight years, emphasizing age-friendly dementia care. The initiative helped establish Wufeng's first dementia community care center, "Bei Liu Yi Station," which won second place in the Taichung City Golden Light Award for "Excellence in Group C Centers." The third phase of the USR project, "Sustainable, Age-Friendly, and Dementia-Inclusive Community," continues to promote sustainable educational innovation and local connections, nurturing a supportive network for elderly dementia care in the community. It aims to sustain the health and well-being of the elderly in Azaowu and cultivate cross-disciplinary talent in smart long-term care innovation and entrepreneurship.


Implementation of the Rural AI Bilingual Learning Companion Program and Student Group Photo

Rural AI Bilingual Learning Companion Program

Is learning confined to the classroom and textbooks? Of course not! Following the pandemic, the proliferation of online teaching platforms has left learners overwhelmed and unsure where to turn. Given that technological development aims to advance human progress and learning, as well as solve human problems, this program seeks to train university students proficient in using technology to assist and teach junior and senior high school students in rural and community settings. By fostering university student companions and integrating AI teaching platforms, the program enables mutual learning and growth between university students and junior and senior high school students.


Implementation of the Rural AI Bilingual Learning Companion Program and Student Group Photo
Execution Photo of the Food Safety and Health Guardians Project
Execution Photo of the Food Safety and Health Guardians Project

Guardians of Food Safety and Health

Our team is executing the third phase of the Ministry of Education's University Social Responsibility (USR) project, playing a crucial role as "Guardians of Food Safety and Health." From farm to table, from children to adults, from the elderly to pets, we constantly safeguard the lives of those most important to us. We assist in ensuring food security, food safety, and nutritional needs, along with maintaining overall health.


The Book of University's Social Practice and Sustainable Innovation

University Sustainability

We are actively incorporating the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) published by the United Nations into our campus development and are participating in the World University Impact Rankings by The Times Higher Education (THE) since 2019. AU was ranked among the world's top 100 in the categories of Quality Education (SDG 4), Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6), Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11), and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12). This demonstrates the social impact of AU in promoting global environmental, social and economic sustainability.


The Book of University's Social Practice and Sustainable Innovation
Asia University and Nantou County Government Promote the Prevention and Treatment of Internet Addiction program
Asia University and Nantou County Government Promote the Prevention and Treatment of Internet Addiction program

Prevention and Treatment of Internet Addiction Program

How to solve Internet addiction in teenagers? The Center for Prevention and Treatment of Internet Addiction pioneered a parental teaching and strategy protocol, an Internet-free psychological camp, an effective detoxification program, and a self-control training app combined with an AI real-time detection program to help youth gain a sense of belonging, contentment, accomplishment, and meaning.
