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Smart Campus


AU use IoTtalk to collect complete data and build a data center for smart campus to help schools master information.
We also use the campus as a testing ground for teachers and students to develop smart campus applications creatively.
We hope that will enhance students' practical skills and also bring together their feelings towards the school.

Smart Watering

Smart Watering 智慧澆灌示意圖

Smart campus is widely used to manage through intelligent campus control to ensure effective implementation many traditional campus tasks that usually would require a high degree of manpower. For example, AU uses campus watering operations as a smart field, which is the goal of future development of the Smart Campus Internet of Things.

Green Internet Data Center


In addition to the functions related to electricity, air conditioning, and security of the general server room environment, the Asia University Green Internet Data Center(AU-GIDC) also incorporates the design concepts of green energy conservation and humanistic aesthetics. It follows the ANSI/TIA-942 & Green Gird and uses the highest quality air conditioning, electrical and fire protection systems. It is expected to create a highly energy-efficient performance with 1.43~1.67 PUE.

Smart Services

Smart Laundry Smart Laundry

The AU app service provides students and faculty to take leave, sign in, send maintenance notifications, and make meal reservations of the campus cafeteria with their personal mobile devices, as well as to check personal information regarding academic affairs, school affairs, and library services. In addition, we have introduced a smart living environment in the dormitories that students can access through their smartphones to keep track of the laundry facilities in real time to enhance the convenience of residential life.

Artificial Intelligence Field

Smart classroom of college of nursing Smart classroom of college of nursing

We have introduced AI-related applications in the library to provide artificial intelligence learning areas for teachers and students. In addition, we actively promote smart learning and integrate the Metaverse concept to build a smart distance learning classroom. The smart classroom has the functions of remote interactive video recording, wireless projection, large interactive touch TV, contextual lighting and metaverse teaching to allow students to take full advantage of the metaverse learning environment.

Intelligent Environmental Sensing

Micro-weather Station in Administration Bldg. Micro-weather Station in Administration Bldg.

We can grasp the real-time environmental changes in various locations on campus by collecting campus environmental data through IoT devices such as self-made micro-weather stations, air boxes, and digital electric meters. Through the integration of the monitoring data and the application of the smart IoT platform, the campus can be connected to relevant equipment and remotely controlled to achieve the goal of the sustainable development of the campus.

Digital Learning

TronClass platform TronClass platform

AU has introduced the TronClass platform to provide teachers and students with a digital learning environment. The platform functions integrate online and offline needs, so that teaching is no longer limited to traditional classrooms. We provide teachers and students with an excellent teaching and learning environment that joins the learning platform with the APP for teaching interaction; thus everywhere can be a smart classroom.