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Dual Resource of CMU-AU System

Sharing Courses, Teaching and Publishing Resources

Exhibition photo of Asia Modern Exhibition photo of Asia Modern

· Mutual permission to take in interdisciplinary course programs and general studies course
· Mutual permission to take courses in Minor and double major
· Cross-campus All-English Program
· Cross-campus classes by teachers
· Co-Advising Graduate Students
· Co-Auditing in courses
· Co-Conducting evaluation workshops

Higher Education Sprout Project Strategic Alliance

Dr. Hart that the Nobel Laureate has a group photo with AU students after the seminar Dr. Hart that the Nobel Laureate has a group photo with AU students after the seminar

· Teacher innovative teaching methods and Service-learning results presentation
· Summer lunch program joint results presentation
· Student service- learning competition results presentation
· Joint presentation of results of Higher Education Sprout Project
· Co-hosted the excellence seminar and forum (Nobel Forum, CEO Forum)

Establishing collaborative research platforms, programs and laboratories

Research Team Meeting Research Team Meeting

· Establishment of nutritional health food research and development team
· Enlargement of the cooperation project
· Establishing a platform for research cooperation between both schools
· Jointly established a research team in the field of long-term care

Service and general affairs experience exchange and improvement

CMU-AU System Executive Committee CMU-AU System Executive Committee

· Established the frequency of transportation between both schools
· Enhanced the exchange of procurement information
· Enhanced the exchange of energy saving and carbon reduction measures
· Reviewed and improved general affairs, personnel and accounting related laws and regulations with each other

Cooperation on industry-academia and continuing education

Volunteer Camp Classes Volunteer Camp Classes

· Strengthened the cooperation between both schools in industry and academia
· Integrated the regulatory framework, organization and platform of industry and academic
· Promotes cooperation between both schools in industry and academia
· Conducts joint review of patent technology transfer cases
· Co-presented the Innovation Industry Leadership Seminar
· Expanded and conducted the student camps in winter and summer vacation
· Hosted the nanny course training
· Organizing the Overseas Youth Taiwan Study Tour of the Overseas Community Affairs Council
· Collaboration in hosting the Nurse Aides Training Course of VTC

Shared books and Information Network Resource

Group photo in front of the AI imagery wall Group photo in front of the AI imagery wall

· Sharing cloud library automation system
· Library Resource Sharing
· Collaboration of IT manpower and training support
· Setup Internet phone between both schools
· Live broadcast and video recording of major events at both schools
· Video conferencing between supervisors both schools

Intercollegiate Activities and Teams

Long Jump Competition Long Jump Competition

· Co-organization of the sport games
· The student association and student council social activities
· Expansion of club activities
· Collaboration in hosting major events for the Ministry of Education
· Collaboration in establishing volunteer teams for domestic and international events
· Inviting each other to participate in activities
· Inviting each other to participate in mentorship activities

Joint publication, marketing, promotion and international affairs

Exhibition photo of Asia Modern Exhibition photo of Asia Modern

· Collaboration to publishing
· Collaboration in the promotion in the local print media and electronic media
· Collaboration in attending International Admissions Fairs
· Collaboration in the promotion in domestic and foreign QS advertising
· Collaborative exhibition of domestic and foreign Education Fairs
· Asia's Top 200 united coalition
· Collaboration in enhancing Webometrics Rankings of World Universities
· Co-Development T-portfolio